Cognitive Science, Educational Psychology, Research Methodology and advanced statistics in education, ICT in Education, School Education, Science Education
Published a paper titled “Brain based education: a paradigm shift from memorization to metacognition, A study at secondary level” in the international journals of innovative research and studies (IJIRS), Vol-IV, Issue-8, August, 2015, ISSN.2319-9725.
Published a paper titled “Effectiveness of Brain Based Learning on Self-Regulation Skills of Higher Secondary School Students” in the International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), Volume 6 | Issue 2 | June 2019, E-ISSN2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138; Impact Factor: 5.75.
Published a paper titled “Effect of Brain Based Learning Strategies on Students’Achievement in Science” in the International Journal Of Advanced Research And Development(IJARD), Volume 4; Issue 4; July 2019; Page No. 55-62, ISSN: 2455-4030; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.24.
Published a paper titled “ Effective Integration of ICT in Science class room: A technology integrated System Model” in multi-disciplinary international peer reviewed /Refereed journal Remarking an Analisation , ISSN (E): 2455-0817/ ISSN(P):2394-0344, Impact Factor: IIJIF : 6.134, Volume 5; Issue 4; July 2020; Page No.E16-E21.
Published a paper titled “ Today’s Written Examination in Higher Education: a Spell about Memory Scaling or Performance Evaluation” International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences(IJRESS), ISSN: 2249-7382, Impact Factor: 6.939, Vol. 10 Issue 7, July- 2020;Page No. 133-139.
Published a paper titled “Enhancing self-regulation skill and learning achievement in science through brain based learning (BBL) strategies” in Research and Reflections on Education, UGC approved no: 64624.
Published a paper titled “Information and Communication Technology for the Education of Schedule Tribes: A Connotative Concern” in International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR), E-ISSN: 2582-2160, Volume 6, Issue 1, January-February 2024,pg.1-11
Published a paper titled “Holistic Education: A Cementing Backbone for Cognitive Development and Self-Regulation” in the International Gandhi Jayanti Conference 2015 “Education as a Basic Right Humankind” Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University) in the proceeding with ISBN:9788193134702.
Published a paper titled “Cognitive dilemma of linguistic minority (Juang) of Odisha at primary level, a concern to sustain their language”, RIE, NCERT, Bhopal, 2018 with ISBN: 9789353112677, Pg.102-106.
Published a paper titled“Teacher Education and innovative classroom practices: A shift from dogmatic intervention to excogitation” RIE, NCERT, Bhopal, 2018. With ISBN: 978-93-87463-28-8. Pg.142-149.
Participated in the 10 days ICSSR sponsored research methodology workshop organized by Viswabharati University, Santiniketan.
Participated in the 5 days AIU sponsored research methodology workshop organized by Ravenshaw University, Odisha.
Participated in the 5 days DHE, ODISHA sponsored Faculty development programme (FDP) on Entrepreneurship Development organized by National Institute for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India), Yousufguda, Hyderabad
Participated in Second International Conference on “Teacher Education Practices & Innovative Trends(ICTEPIT)” held from 20th to 22nd august,2014 organized by School of Education, Pondicherry University,(A central University),India.
Presented a paper titled “Holistic Education: A Cementing Backbone For Cognitive Development And Self-Regulation” in the International Gandhi Jayanti Conference 2015 “Education as a Basic Right of Humankind” on the Occasion of the International Day of Nonviolence October3rd-4th, 2015 New Delhi, organized by Indialogue Foundation and Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, JamiaMillia Islamia(A Central University) and is Published in the proceeding with ISBN: 9788193134702.
Presented a poster with theme “Paradigm Shift From Memorization to Metacognition” in Two-days National Symposium organized by Pondicherry University (A central University) on “Developing Scientific Attitude and Application of Science for Nation Building(DSA & ASNB)” held on 9th& 10th April ,2015
Presented a paper and abstract published in the proceeding with theme “Exploring the Gaps: Technology Trend as an eclectic pedagogy for teaching science” in the National seminar on Reflective practices in pedagogy- Technology integration held from 27th -29th November 2015,organized by Regional Institute of Education (RIE),NCERT., Bhopal.
Presented a paper titled “Empowering the education of schedule tribes through ICT: A 21st century strategic breakthrough” in the national seminar on Horizons of Tribal Development from 29th -30th march 2016,organized by Dr. Hari singh Gour Vishwavidyalaya M.P. (a central University).
Presented a paper titled “ cognitive dilemma of linguistic minority(Juang)of odisha at primary level, a concern to sustain their language” in the national seminar on Education of minorities in India: Issues and concerns from 9th -11th February 2017,organized by RIE,NCERT, Bhopal
Presented a paper titled “ Implementation of Right to education (RTE) act-2009: How far and how near” in the national seminar on Right to Education and its Implementation Issue and challenges on 31-03- 2017 organized by Ravenshaw University, Cuttack
Presented a paper titled “Teacher Education and innovative classroom practices: A shift from dogmatic intervention to excogitation” in the national seminar on Innovative practices in teacher education: Theory and research from 18th -20th jan 2018, organized by RIE, NCERT, Bhopal.
Presented a paper titled “Closed book examination: A reflective time trend shift from memory scaling to performance evaluation” in the national seminar on Examination Reform For Quality Higher Education In India : Challenges & Opportunities from 22nd -23rd December 2018. Organized by Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha.
Organized international webinar on theme “Virtual learning: challenges & prospects in higher education as coordinator on 6th sept 2020.
Organized international webinar on theme “Gandhian Perspectives of Self-reliance: From Local to Global Concern” as coordinator on 26th sept. 2020
Organized International workshop as convener on theme “Transforming Teaching Learning Through Technology and Gaming on 19-20 Sept.2020
Organized a workshop on theme “ Developing Lesson plan through 5E and ICON design model: Theory and Practices” as convener on 22nd & 23rd Dec, 2023.