Jagannath Kunar

Dr. Jagannath Kunar

Designation: HOD & Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.Sc., M.Ed. UGC-NET, Ph.D.

Mobile No.: 7978140575

E-mail ID: jkuanr01@gmail.com

  • Educational Research ,Science Education

  • Cognitive Science, Educational Psychology, Research Methodology and advanced statistics in education, ICT in Education, School Education, Science Education

  • Published a paper titled “Brain based education: a paradigm shift from memorization to metacognition, A study at secondary level” in the international journals of innovative research and studies (IJIRS), Vol-IV, Issue-8, August, 2015, ISSN.2319-9725.
  • Published a paper titled “Effectiveness of Brain Based Learning on Self-Regulation Skills of Higher Secondary School Students” in the International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), Volume 6 | Issue 2 | June 2019, E-ISSN2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138; Impact Factor: 5.75.
  • Published a paper titled “Effect of Brain Based Learning Strategies on Students’Achievement in Science” in the International Journal Of Advanced Research And Development(IJARD), Volume 4; Issue 4; July 2019; Page No. 55-62, ISSN: 2455-4030; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.24.
  • Published a paper titled “ Effective Integration of ICT in Science class room: A technology integrated System Model” in multi-disciplinary international peer reviewed /Refereed journal Remarking an Analisation , ISSN (E): 2455-0817/ ISSN(P):2394-0344, Impact Factor: IIJIF : 6.134, Volume 5; Issue 4; July 2020; Page No.E16-E21.
  • Published a paper titled “ Today’s Written Examination in Higher Education: a Spell about Memory Scaling or Performance Evaluation” International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences(IJRESS), ISSN: 2249-7382, Impact Factor: 6.939, Vol. 10 Issue 7, July- 2020;Page No. 133-139.
  • Published a paper titled “Enhancing self-regulation skill and learning achievement in science through brain based learning (BBL) strategies” in Research and Reflections on Education, UGC approved no: 64624.
  • Published a paper titled “Information and Communication Technology for the Education of Schedule Tribes: A Connotative Concern” in International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR), E-ISSN: 2582-2160, Volume 6, Issue 1, January-February 2024,pg.1-11
  • Published a paper titled “Holistic Education: A Cementing Backbone for Cognitive Development and Self-Regulation” in the International Gandhi Jayanti Conference 2015 “Education as a Basic Right Humankind” Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University) in the proceeding with ISBN:9788193134702.
  • Published a paper titled “Cognitive dilemma of linguistic minority (Juang) of Odisha at primary level, a concern to sustain their language”, RIE, NCERT, Bhopal, 2018 with ISBN: 9789353112677, Pg.102-106.
  • Published a paper titled“Teacher Education and innovative classroom practices: A shift from dogmatic intervention to excogitation” RIE, NCERT, Bhopal, 2018. With ISBN: 978-93-87463-28-8. Pg.142-149.

  • Participated in the 10 days ICSSR sponsored research methodology workshop organized by Viswabharati University, Santiniketan.
  • Participated in the 5 days AIU sponsored research methodology workshop organized by Ravenshaw University, Odisha.
  • Participated in the 5 days DHE, ODISHA sponsored Faculty development programme (FDP) on Entrepreneurship Development organized by National Institute for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India), Yousufguda, Hyderabad

  • Participated in Second International Conference on “Teacher Education Practices & Innovative Trends(ICTEPIT)” held from 20th to 22nd august,2014 organized by School of Education, Pondicherry University,(A central University),India.
  • Presented a paper titled “Holistic Education: A Cementing Backbone For Cognitive Development And Self-Regulation” in the International Gandhi Jayanti Conference 2015 “Education as a Basic Right of Humankind” on the Occasion of the International Day of Nonviolence October3rd-4th, 2015 New Delhi, organized by Indialogue Foundation and Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, JamiaMillia Islamia(A Central University) and is Published in the proceeding with ISBN: 9788193134702.
  • Presented a poster with theme “Paradigm Shift From Memorization to Metacognition” in Two-days National Symposium organized by Pondicherry University (A central University) on
    “Developing Scientific Attitude and Application of Science for Nation Building(DSA & ASNB)” held on 9th& 10th April ,2015
  • Presented a paper and abstract published in the proceeding with theme “Exploring the Gaps: Technology Trend as an eclectic pedagogy for teaching science” in the National seminar on Reflective practices in pedagogy- Technology integration held from 27th -29th November 2015,organized by Regional Institute of Education (RIE),NCERT., Bhopal.
  • Presented a paper titled “Empowering the education of schedule tribes through ICT: A 21st century strategic breakthrough” in the national seminar on Horizons of Tribal Development from 29th -30th march 2016,organized by Dr. Hari singh Gour Vishwavidyalaya M.P. (a central University).
  • Presented a paper titled “ cognitive dilemma of linguistic minority(Juang)of odisha at primary level, a concern to sustain their language” in the national seminar on Education of minorities in India: Issues and concerns from 9th -11th February 2017,organized by RIE,NCERT, Bhopal
  • Presented a paper titled “ Implementation of Right to education (RTE) act-2009: How far and how near” in the national seminar on Right to Education and its Implementation Issue and challenges on 31-03- 2017 organized by Ravenshaw University, Cuttack
  • Presented a paper titled “Teacher Education and innovative classroom practices: A shift from dogmatic intervention to excogitation” in the national seminar on Innovative practices in teacher education: Theory and research from 18th -20th jan 2018, organized by RIE, NCERT, Bhopal.
  • Presented a paper titled “Closed book examination: A reflective time trend shift from memory scaling to performance evaluation” in the national seminar on Examination Reform For Quality Higher Education In India : Challenges & Opportunities from 22nd -23rd December 2018. Organized by Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha.

  • Organized international webinar on theme “Virtual learning: challenges & prospects in higher education as coordinator on 6th sept 2020.
  • Organized international webinar on theme “Gandhian Perspectives of Self-reliance: From Local to Global Concern” as coordinator on 26th sept. 2020
  • Organized International workshop as convener on theme “Transforming Teaching Learning Through Technology and Gaming on 19-20 Sept.2020
  • Organized a workshop on theme “ Developing Lesson plan through 5E and ICON design model: Theory and Practices” as convener on 22nd & 23rd Dec, 2023.

  • Educational technology & Neurocognition.